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August Highs and Lows

My name is Teniola Opara and I am a third year Law student at a University in the United Kingdom. If your reading this, chances are you are considering, or already are enrolled on an LLB course at university. If your anything like me, many people told me it would be hard. Most of he time people have that look when you tell them you want to study law, its like they die a little inside.

By now, you should have received your grades from your college, the time flew by didn't it. Who knew 18 months would go so fast and feels so horribly impossible, but the good news is you've made it. From my experiences during this time many others in your position may try to make you feel bad about having to go through clearing, my advice is DONT!!!!!. Clearing has been created for many reasons and not just because you may not have achieved the best grades so do not be discouraged to use their services, your first choice might not be the choice that your supposed to choose, carry on, keep pushing at the end of the day the goal is to get your degree.

I studied a Business BTEC at college. In the month of May I lost my USB, I nearly died. literally nearly died. I thought it was the end, and if you study a BTEC you know how valuable that small memory stick is, holding your life's achievements all on a little stick. luckily I found it before the end of the school year, the issue arose when i was accepting university offers. I decided to pay for all my accommodation before i found out my grades, because i assumed the worst. DO NOT DO THIS!!. In the end I got the grades and got accepted into my first choice, it was too late by the time I found out this information and had to stick with my second choice as it would have meant, loosing out on money i had already given them for administration fees.

I went through so many emotions during this time, considering whether I even wanted to attend university in the first place (do not tell my Nigerian mother!). But let me assure you it does get better. The excitement of heading out on a new adventure by yourself kicks in. It is very important to prepare yourself before you go to university mentally. The strain on your mental state is excessive. Be realistic you will be stressed, upset, sad, homesick, not to mention finding it almost impossible to find TRUE friends.

Use the month of august to prepare your self sufficiently. Start making a list of the things you may need for your new environment, Making a list helps to cut down costs once you get there. If you are going to be receiving a student loan and you dont have a part time jobs or parents who can help you financially, The first two weeks you arrive around the end of September will be tight. Student loan does not come into until you register at your university and for some this can come early in October causing some inconvenience.

That is all for now as you can imagine my stress levels increase by day, i am currently faced with the daunting task of completing my Dissertation, i hope this has settled a few fears and maybe the next post will make you feel more comfortable in your journey than you ever have.



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